Ranunculus Care
Care of Ranunculus
Once you have your gorgeous ranunculus at home, you’ll need to prepare the
perfect home (vase) for them. We suggest
a vase between six to eight inches high with a three-inch (or smaller) opening
works best for these beauties! Ranuncs have notoriously thin and delicate stems
so a smaller opening is best for a fuller-looking vase. Or, if your options are limited and you don’t
have one vase big enough for your blooms, use a few vases! We love the look of
a few, scattered bud vases around the house. We think one stem in a vase is
just as stunning as a vase full of stems!
To prepare your flowers for the vase(s), carefully remove and discard any
wrap and if it’s not already done by your florist, gently strip away any
foliage that will fall below the vase waterline. Any leaves, etc below the waterline will
cause bacteria to grow in the water. Like
us humans, cut flowers prefer to drink clean water. Definitely a plus for a longer life! Give each stem a fresh angled cut and place
your stems into the prepared vase, and you’re done!
Easy-peasy Maintenance
Help your blooms live their best life by keeping them out of the direct
sun and any extra toasty areas in your home. We recommend placing your vase at
least three feet away from any sunny window and away from any obvious heat
sources (like a radiator). Bacteria buildup is natural (and unavoidable) as the
stems age. Change the water daily (or as often as you remember) so your
ranunculus are always getting a fresh drink. Trimming the stems at the same
time will also ensure they’re hydrating efficiently!
Pro tip: Some blooms may
die off sooner than others. Removing any dying flowers will keep its vase mates
looking fresher longer!